Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Who will cast the first stone?

In John 8 we find the story of the woman caught in adultery. The Pharisees and the teachers of the law brought her before Jesus and asked,

The Law of Moses commanded us to stone such a woman. Now what do you say?” – John 8:5

I must confess my initial response to Pelosi and the Democrats passing socialized health care is similar to that of the Pharisees with the woman caught in adultery. “We have the proof we need, let them be condemned. “

But, by what standard am I measuring Pelosi and those of her party? Am I using the same standard to measure them as I use to measure the senators and congressmen I voted for? Jesus responded to the teachers of the law and the Pharisees this way,

“If any one of you is without sin let him be the first one to throw a stone at her.” John 8:7.

I am afraid if we miss this lesson November 2010 is going to bring more pain. Let’s put our stones away. If we don’t learn from our past, we could end up replacing the current group of collectivist democrats with a new group of collectivist republicans. Is that what we want?

The Health Care Bill has passed the House and the lawmakers that are supposed to have the closest connection to the voters are responsible for it. I don’t know about you but the conclusion I draw is our congressmen were simply doing what we wanted. The people wanted government to solve the health care crisis without regard to morals or law. We no longer expect our government to secure our unalienable rights.  We no longer believe there are consequences to ignoring the highest laws of our land. Our friends and neighbors have yet to understand the cause of the health care crisis . . . us and our support for government regulation. 

If we don’t care about law how can we complain about justice? But we don’t want justice; we want to live off the labor of our neighbor. That includes 60 million church going Americans who are not yet aware that using government force to take their neighbors property to provide them with health care, medicare, welfare, social security, unemployment, food stamps , FDIC insurance , home loan guarantees, bailouts, education or farm subsidies is immoral. It is not just Pelosi that supports these programs,  Bush,  Gingrich, (insert your favorite republican's name here) did as well.

Since government isn’t the source of health care, their requirement that health care be provided  imposes an obligation on another citizen to provide it. If we are created equal then how can one person force another to do so? Force is immoral. Our government is only authorized to use force to defend our unalienable rights. If, as the Declaration of Independence states, governments job is to secure our unalienable rights, why aren’t we holding it accountable to do so? Perhaps we don’t understand the highest laws of our land . . . Biblical or Constitutional.

Brothers and sisters, the 8th Commandment is higher law from our Creator. It is one of His "Top 10" laws for a just society. It is an absolute and can only be violated at our own peril In Exodus 20:15, God tells mankind that private property is sacred. It is not a "great suggestion", it is a commandment.   God is sovereign over all Creation and expects his laws to be followed in all jurisdictions, self government, family government, church government and civil government.

Are you angry or surprised at Pelosi and the Democratic Party? Did they run as Constitutional candidates? Did they do something George Bush, and the Republicans haven’t done (Bailouts, Patriot Act and 500B Prescription Drug Act, 250B Farm Subsidy Bill, failure to renew the Budget Enforcement Act of 1990)?  Which of us can point to one Republican who has kept his oath to uphold the U.S. Constitution? (If you can think of one please share with the rest of us.)

Is this what we want, government to fix things for us? Do we really want them to bring the same "successful" record of victory to bear on Health Care Reform as they have brought to bear on the “War on Drugs”, the “War on Poverty”, the “War on Terrorism” and the wars in Vietnam and Iraq? Our lawmakers are simply a reflection of what you and I are demanding, something for nothing. Hey, that describes me to a “T”.  For the past twenty eight years, that is how I've been voting. Please forgive me.

Our Democratic and Republican lawmakers are ignoring the highest laws of our land because we are, Biblically and Constitutionally. Let’s face it, most of us were STATE educated. That should explain some of the problem. The Democrats might be ignoring their lawful authority as enumerated in Article 1, Section 8 of the U.S. Constitution, but do you think the Republicans are any better? Don’t give the Republicans too much credit on this one, they don’t care about their oath to uphold the Constitution either. They are being motivated on this issue by what it will take to be reelected. Their votes wouldn’t have made a difference here.

Unfortunately, the Health Care Victory tonight belongs to you and I. Let’s face it, we bought it. Things will change when we begin to understand that we are the problem. I would guess that most of us have been voting for candidates who have no respect for the oath they took to uphold our Constitution. Actually to be fair to the lawmakers, they probably don’t understand the Constitution any better than we do. Many still believe it is a living document and “General Welfare” means doing whatever it takes to serve someones “specific welfare”.

Would you be willing to go to a church where the pastor kept interpreting the bible differently than how the apostles taught it? Why then do we accept unjust and immoral interpretations of the U.S. Constitution from our public servants?

Let me ask you four questions;

1. Whom did you vote for President, Senator and Congress in the last election?
2. Had they consistently upheld the U.S. Constitution prior to your vote?
3. When was the last time you read the U.S. Constitution?
4. What action have you taken to return your country to the principles that made us the most free and prosperous nation in the history?

We are the root that allows these branches to grow. We are still in control, we just need more education and these type of votes are finally waking us up.   We need to address the root issue, our education.

If a nation expects to be ignorant and free, in a state of civilization, it expects what never was and never shall be.” - Thomas Jefferson

“The danger to America is not Barack Obama but a citizenry capable of entrusting a man like him with the presidency. It will be easier to limit and undo the follies of an Obama presidency than to restore the necessary common sense and good judgment to an electorate willing to have such a man for their president. The problem is much deeper and far more serious than Mr. Obama, who is a mere symptom of what ails us. Blaming the prince of the fools should not blind anyone to the vast confederacy of fools that made him their prince. The republic can survive a Barack Obama. It is less likely to survive a multitude of fools such as those who made him their president - Author Unknown

We have a crisis in health care and I want it fixed as much as you, but it will not be fixed by more government. Let’s put our stones away. Government is the problem, not the solution. The solution is free markets and limited government, something Americans gave up on in the 1930s. Anyone ready to try it again?

Eric holds other funny perspectives (i.e. the earth is round, the moon is made of cheese, dogs go to heaven but cats do not, chocolate isn’t bad for you it just makes your clothes shrink, the bodily resurrection of Christ , salvation by faith alone and he is already against the next war)


  1. > Government is the problem, not the solution. The solution is free
    > markets and limited government, something Americans gave up on
    > in the 1930s.

    Gave up on? The regulations ushered in during the great depression were responsible for creating a vibrant middle class in the United States.

    What you mention would be awesome in whatever utopia you're fantasizing about, but in real life people are dishonest and greedy. Look at what caused the current financial crisis; the repeal of Glass–Steagall in late late 90's paved the way for companies like Lehman Brothers and Goldman-Sachs to game the system and steal money from every hard working American that had a 401k account. In collusion with ratings agencies such as Moody's, banks were repackaging mortgages as AAA rated mortgage backed securities, and well, you know the rest.

    You should write for The Onion.

  2. As a Scot who has never visited America l think that l can honestly say as an outsider looking in, -that you have become too polarised and a more measured approach to politics is needed. I believe the solution is to move away from the two party system and towards a multi party government in where the Right and the Left are forced to work together and pass laws where a consensus has been reached. Moderation, compromise and reasoned government would work far better for all Americans.
