The story within the Pearl Harbor story. Kimmel was the Navy's commander-in-chief in Pearl Harbor. He replaced the fired Admiral James O. Richardson who had strongly challenged FDR for not stationing the pacific fleet on the west coast. Here is the revealing story from Admiral Kimmel of FDR's prior knowledge and withholding of such with the purpose of getting our country and sons into the war.
Anti-War Radio with Scott Horton
Where Eric gets his foreign policy information. Cancel your newspaper subscription and step outside your front door. Hear discussions of issues that our news editors won't touch.
Foundation for Economic Education
One of the oldest free market organizations in the United States. Its mission is to offer the most consistent case for the "First Principles" of freedom; the sanctity of private property, individual liberty, the rule of law, the free market, and the moral superiority of individual choice over coercion.
Global Research
Excellent source for independent news by topic.
The Solution to our Health Care Crisis
Take a look at Dr. Berry's page. This is how the industry should operate. This Tennessee physician disconnected his practice from insurance and state programs and as a result was able to lower his overhead and provide quality care to the poor for a fraction of the cost.
Iran: How our foreign policy radicalized their nation
Scroll down to Iran: Parts 2 through 9
We reap what we sow. Cause and effect. Nine part story about the first discovery of oil in the Middle East and how our interference in their right to self determine resulted in the hostage crisis under Carter. Sometimes our enemies see us the clearest. This article comes from a communist site.
Iraq: Petrodollar Warfare
What I see as the reason for our attack on Iraq. William Clark has received two Project Censored awards, first in 2003 for his groundbreaking research on Iraq War, oil currency conflict and U.S. geo-strategy, and in 2005 for his research on Iran's upcoming euro-denominated oil bourse.
Peter Schiff
Investment analyst and critic of the Keynesian policies that have systematically weakened our economy. I rely on Peter Schiff and turn to this page every Friday for information on the state of our economy.
Project Censored
From Sonoma State University, their mission is to teach students and the public about the role of a free press in a free society . . . and to tell the news that didn't make the news, and why. Click on the link to see the "Top 25" stories that didn't make the news.
Wallbuilders and David Barton
An organization dedicated to presenting America's forgotten history and heroes with an emphasis on our moral, religious and constitutional heritage.
Washington's Farewell Address
By far the most famous and best known of Washington's speeches. He warns against the two party system, against the accumulation of federal debt and an overpowering military establishment.
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