
Kuyper's Stone Lecture on Calvinism and the State
Given to students at Princeton in 1898, Danish statesman and theologian Abraham Kuyper shares how God's sovereignty impacts not only the spheres of self, family and church government, but civil government as well.  This is essential reading for any Christian who wishes to reflect on the relationship of the Christian faith to the state.  One need not be a Calvinist or even a Christian to appreciate this lecture.

Lyndon Johnson and 501(c)3 Law
The founders understood that a limited government was only proper for a moral and virtuous people.  This is part of the reason the framers put the church outside the jurisdiction of the federal government with the First Amendment..."Congress shall make NO LAW respecting an establishment of religion..."  So what happened?

Hush Money and 501c3 Law
Montesqieu wrote, "A more certain way to attach religion is by favor, by the comforts of life, by the hope of wealth..." Learn how Texas Senator Lyndon B. Johnson placed the state between the church and the headship of Christ.

Establishment and Limits of Civil Government: Exposition of Romans 13
Many Christians are under the false assumption they have to go along with whatever their civil rulers demand.  In his 1853 book, James M.Wilson, Professor of Theology at Allegheny Seminary, wrote a book that is needed now more than ever.  What's most helpful about it is that it was written in a time that was not muddied by the politics of our day.  There are no current or recently passed politicians named.  He sticks to principles based on the bible.  If we are to save our Republic, then we are bound to heed his instruction and warnings.