I would like to share my two cents if I may with regard to the comments on “the cost of freedom” and “the terror that is alive and proliferating” and the comment “just or constitutional”. I think as Americans we are a little mixed up and allow me to share my bias so everyone understands where I am coming from. First, I am a follower of Jesus Christ, so I look to the bible for my definitions for that which is good and that which is evil. Second, I believe the founders and the U.S. Constitution produced the must just and civilized society in 6,000 years of human history.
That being said, let’s compare our military activities to the standards of these documents. The 6th Commandment states, “Thou shall not murder”. God is the Creator and Author of life and as such is the only one who has the right to take it away. He then delegates that authority to civil government (see the Apostle Paul in Romans 13:1-7). The only time the state has the delegated right to take life is when a man violates the 6th Commandment. See Genesis 9:6.
Thus, the only time a state or person can use force is for defensive purposes. That is, when not responding could mean losing your own life. For a Christian, the right to defend his life and property comes from the idea that those things are gifts from God and thus, as Jefferson stated . . .
(…even a deist understood what churches today do not)
Declaration of Independence
“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.”
Christians and Americans need to be reminded of something here. Jefferson and Madison did not give us our inalienable rights, God did. The founders merely recognized that which was basic to a free and just society. Because life is a gift from God, it belongs not only to our boys and girls but those in Afghanistan and Iraq as well.
These folks have the same right to self determine as Samuel Adams and Patrick Henry did. After all, how many of us would like the Afghan Army setting itself up in East County? The truth is none of us would like it and neither do they. We would respond in kind and go to war. They respond and we call it “terrorism”? It is simply “cause and effect”. We shouldn’t be surprised. Our behavior has consequences. We reap what we sow. This morning when we woke up our soldiers were in 130 nations on 700 different bases spending billions of our tax dollars (i.e… our property). Some of our sons are on bases that have existed since WWII and are still there (i.e. Germany & Japan). And we still aren’t questioning our behavior?
What is it about being the world’s leader in pornography, divorce, unmarried pregnancies and abortion and the separation of God from our schools (remember fear of God is the basis of wisdom) that give us the hubris to be the world’s policeman? What makes 30 million Christians unquestionably support violent, meddling, interventionist lawmakers? We shouldn’t be surprised at the problems foreign and domestic that result. Our founders only gave our lawmakers authority to provide for “National Defense”. Today, like Rome and Imperialist England, we have a “Worldwide Offense”. (“Those who forget history are condemned to repeat it”-Santayana)
It doesn’t cohere with our law or our faith. I does not matter how brave and courageous our soldiers are, they do not have authority, constitutional jurisdiction or God’s blessing to be there. . . and their actions are putting us in danger. Their loyalty and selflessness to an unrighteous cause does not sanctify their behavior. “Shall we do evil that good may result?” (Rm. 3:8) I can find the scriptures for God’s covenant relationship with Israel and the establishment of their theocracy and the commands to Joshua to cleanse the promise land but where in the bible to God make a covenant with the United States to do the same? We definitely are not a theocracy. Do we also need to be reminded how anti-family our interventionist military policies are? And not just with mom or dad being away but returning less than physically and emotionally whole and the financial burden they place on the rest of us to support them once they have been damaged?
Were Americans ever in danger from a bombed out third world country called Iraq? That is funny if you think about it. Ever seen their Navy or Air Force? Why are Christians today so supportive of aggression abroad while our Christian founders so totally opposed? What is happening to us? We have let the media spin these military operations to make them appear something completely different from what they are.
George Washington’s Farewell Address . . .
“The great rule of conduct for us, in regard to foreign nations, is, in extending our commercial relations, to have with them as little political connections as possible. So far as we have already formed engagements, let them be fulfilled with perfect good faith. Here let us stop.”
This leads to a second point. The 8th Commandment, another one of God’s ‘Top 10’ rules for a just society. These moral laws apply to groups (i.e. governments) not just individuals. The 8th Commandment states, “Thou shall not steal”. God communicated to Israel through Moses that personal property was necessary and to be protected. (He even goes further for those in a covenant relationship with Christ by giving them the 10th Commandment to warn us from even coveting our neighbor’s property).
The only way the federal government is able to maintain an army presence throughout the world is by violating the vary law that God and the founders gave our government responsibility to protect;
Declaration of Independence…
Those to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. That whenever any form of government becomes destructive to these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it.
If Patrick Henry and John Adams were alive today they would already be fighting the tyranny. Our lawmakers did not derive this power from our consent. We do not have such power to give them!
It is our government’s role to protect our property and secure our rights not vote them away(remember they are inalienable from God) If I cannot come into your home and take your property by force, no matter how compassionate a use I have for it, neither can our government. The government is supposed to be our servant and operate at our consent.
There has been a bloodless coup. The government our founders fought and died for, a Constitutional Republic has been replaced by a “Democracy”. Democracies are evil and we are just beginning to understand why. A democracy is “two wolves and a sheep voting on what they will have for lunch.” In a Democracy, six out of ten people can vote to hang blacks or take property from Jews or pass an unauthorized Health Care or Bailout that is nowhere enumerated in the U.S. Constitution. In a “Democracy”, government can use force to take property from one group (you and I) and give it to another (GM or Bank of America). It’s socialism for big business and free markets for us. Our inalienable rights are gone and we think the battle is between Republicans and Democrats? Wrong!
That is the indoctrination of the national media that is keeping Christians divided.
It is about liberty and tyranny.
We don’t have a Statue of Democracy . . . We have a Statue of Liberty.
We don’t have a Democracy Bell . . . we have a Liberty Bell.
The word “democracy” is not in the Declaration of Independence or the U.S. Constitution or in any of the constitutions of the fifty states.
Patriotism is not faith in the latest policies from Washington or supporting our troops no matter whose land they may be plundering. Patriotism is loyalty and commitment to the ideals upon which this nation was founded (see the Holy Bible and the U.S. Constitution)
It is time to rise like our courageous Christian founders and take education out of the state’s hands where it was never given authority to be. It has indoctrinated us and made us stupid. Our enemy is not an Iraqi or Afghani. It is our Republican and Democratic lawmakers who have returned to “Divine Right of Kings” and have taken their solemn oath to the Constitution and trampled it under foot.
But our lawmakers are not our problem. They are a symptom of the problem and here I close with a gut check. The problem is you and I. We (the visible church) are the ones who allow the two major parties to perpetuate their power year after year with millions of Jesus follower votes. Christianity is a principled faith not a pragmatist one. We are sowing pragmatism which is why we are reaping these evils. When followers of Christ vote for the “lesser of two evils” we unite Christ with evil. A child of God should vote on principle and leave the results to Christ. Christ has the ability to take a few loaves and fish and do miracles, not to mention our consciences would be clear. The major parties violate our faith and the Constitution. The presidential candidates who do support the bible and the Constitution are referred to as “crazy and out of sync” by Christians and non believers alike.
If the Christians united around a righteous candidate he would be a major candidate overnight.
Here are two men the church ignored in the last election. The national media is not going to share this. You must find it on your own.
Dr. Ron Paul, Texas Congressman
Pastor Chuck Baldwin
I encourage you to think for yourself and see if you can find any point where either of these men’s platforms or voting records violate scripture or the U.S. Constitution.
It is insane to continue to vote the same way, voting for the lesser of two evils, and expect different results.
Eric Andersen
“If a nation expects to be ignorant and free, it expects what never was and never will be . . . The people cannot be safe without information. When the press is free and every man is able to read, all will be safe.” Thomas Jefferson
Monday, November 9, 2009
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